If your graduation date is quickly approaching, you’ve come to the right place. As listed below is a graduation checklist that will help you prepare yourself for your upcoming graduation ceremony.
Graduation checklist:
Ensure that you’ve registered to attend your graduation:
The most important task which you’ll have is to register to attend your graduation. As they will be a cut-off date, which you’ll need to register before.
Purchase tickets for your guests:
Depending on the school that you’re graduating from you may be given free tickets for your guests or you may have to purchase a ticket for each guest who you plan on inviting to your graduation.
Just keep in mind that numbers may be restricted and you may have to limit the number of guests which you invite to your graduation. Especially if you’re graduating from college. If you’re graduating from high school, you’re in luck as most high schools allow students to invite a large number of family members and friends.
Consider purchasing a photography package:
One of the most cost-effective options that you have when it comes to purchasing graduation photos is to order a photography package, which you can purchase well in advance of your graduation ceremony. Included in your photography package will be photos of you walking across the stage to receive your degree or diploma and post-graduation photos of you with your family members.
Order your cap and gown:
As you’ll require a cap and gown on your big day, ensure to order your cap and gown early.
Make sure that you have safety pins on hand:
As most graduation capes are oversized, you may need to use a few safety pins in order to fix your gown so that it doesn’t drag on the ground and closes properly. Especially if you’re short or petite.
Purchase a tidy outfit to wear under your gown:
You may want to wear a grey, navy, or black suit underneath your graduation gown or a neutral-colored dress. Such as a navy A-line dress or a black lace dress. Just be sure that the outfit which you select has a professional vibe and is not attention-seeking.
Order announcements for your graduation:
Once you’ve decided who you want to invite to your graduation, it’s the perfect time to design your custom graduation announcements. One of the best websites to order announcements for is Basic Invite. As not only can you customize each section of your announcements such as your headings, photos, texts, and envelopes but Basic Invite has over 140 different colors that you can select for your announcements to be printed on.
Samples graduation announcements:
One tip which is well worth listening to is to order samples of your announcements so that you can see what they look like and ensure their quality before you purchase your announcements.
So if your graduation ceremony is rapidly approaching, it’s well worth ensuring that you have checked off all of the graduation tasks on the checklist which is listed above.
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